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Wikipedia talk:Miscellany for deletion/Wikipedia:Mornington Crescent Championship

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Sjakkalle has closed this VfD listing improperly. The discussion is still caught on the Dollis Hill loop so a keep is out of the question and certainly merits move-handicapping under the Treaty of Finsbury Park. Unless he can justify use of Livingstone's Exemption or present a Get Out of Jail Free card he must cease direct participation the game and present all subsequent moves through classified ads in the London edition of Big Issue. --Tony Sidaway|Talk 12:29, 26 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Under the Local Government Act 1972, if the board of play is closed and non-Londoners are playing all subsequent moves must be encrypted in emergency gale warnings on BBC Radio 4. Joe D (t) 13:14, 26 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Bayl nccyvrf gb sbervtaref. Jr [[Ybaqbare]]f pna hfr [[EBG13]]. Fb V'yy qvt hf bhg bs guvf jvgu na [[rasvynqr]] guebhtu [[Zneoyr Nepu]] naq n qbhoyr-erirefr [[jbzoyr]] onpx gb [[Xragvfu Gbja]]. Naq gurer jr unir vg. Mornington Crescent. --Gbal Fvqnjnl|Gnyx 15:26, 26 Znl 2005 (HGP)

Fbhaqf zhpu yvxr n enqvb sbhe tnyr jneavat gb zr! Joe D (t) 16:45, 26 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]
I'm such a fool, in all the excitement I didn't notice what you'd done. The RSPCA succesfully lobbied Alun Michael to ban double-reverse wombles from anywhere within a mile of Hyde Park if the board of play has changed during the past ten moves! Joe D (t) 16:51, 26 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Jryy V zhfg fnl guvf IsQ jnf fpnaqnybhfyl bhg-bs-cebprff. Boivbhfyl fbzr bs gurfr nzngrhef guvax vg'f cresrpgyl npprcgnoyr gb qvfertneq Frpgvba IVV-48.o(28) bs gur [[Wikipedia:Bad_Jokes_and_Other_Deleted_Nonsense/Encyclop%E6dia_BJAODNonica|fbzrguvat be bgure]], Rkgraqrq Fgnaqneq Erivfrq Cerfreirq Habegubqbk Noevqtrq Rqvgvba (nf nzraqrq), juvpu dhvgr pyrneyl naq hardhvibpnyyl fgngrf gung jura n cynlre vf va xavc naq unf abg qrpynerq Pnanqn Jngre be Tnyyvbaf Ernpu, abe unf gur Qbyyvf Uvyy ybbc cebprrqrq gb gur agu pbairetrag erphefvir vgrengvba, bar zhfg cebprrq nagv-pybpxjvfr nebhaq gur Pvepyr Yvar hagvy fhpu gvzr nf gur freiref tb bssyvar be sngny qrulqengvba erfhygf. V pnaabg vzntvar jung gurl gubhtug gurl cynlvat ng. Jbbq Terra! — Gevybovgr (Gnyx) 17:53, 26 Znl 2005 (HGP)